Abstract Submission

Abstract submission is open from October 3, 2022 through January 13, 2023


Please consider the following instructions while preparing and submitting the abstract:

  • Abstracts must be submitted using the template found here

  • Follow the instructions on the abstract template carefully

  • Instructions are embedded in the abstract template

  • Complete the entire abstract submission form (3 pages)

  • Maximum length for the abstract is two pages (including the references)

    • Remember to respond to the questions on page 3 of the abstract form and submit all three pages

  • Submit abstracts or email the abstract to frpm23@empa.ch

  • The subject line of the e-mail is to read as follows: Abstract Submission FRPM23

  • Abstract file name: Abstract_FRPM23_initial-first-name_Last name (i.e.: Abstract_FRPM23_S_Gaan)

  • Indicate on page 3, what type of presentation you prefer

  • Notification of abstract acceptance will be sent by February 15, 2023

  • Important to note: six travel grants are available to students and early stage researchers. For more information, refer to page three of the abstract or click here