Empa on Social Media

Needless to say, Empa is also represented on various social media. Keep abreast of Empa’s latest activities and follow us on Twitter and Facebook or the business platform LinkedIn, for instance. View our most stunning pictures on Instagram and Flickr and gain exciting insights into our labs on our YouTube channel.


Connect with us on the international business platform LinkedIn. Get in touch with members of Empa or join one of our groups to find the right partner for a possible collaboration.


X (Twitter)
Get tweeting! We share and comment on exciting subject matter from our labs, provide information on interesting projects and enable you to "almost" be there at our events on campus. Follow us!


Enjoy pictures from inside our labs, interesting stories and everyday science on our Instagram account.


Moving pictures from Empa. Whether it be an informative report or little snippets from the various labs – either way, YouTube offers you exciting glimpses into our fields of activity. Definitely worth a look!


These days, it’s hard to image daily life without Facebook. If you’d like to see our news on your Facebook page, one “Like” on our Facebook page is enough.


Amanda Caracas
Social Media Manager
Phone +41 58 765 6059

Looking for brilliant minds? You might just find who you’re looking for in our LinkedIn group “Empa PhDs looking for next career opportunities

You’re a former employee of Empa? Then what are you waiting for? Join our 'Friends of Empa' group on LinkedIn. Looking forward to meeting you there!